humblewood subclasses

causes tension d8 Personality Trait 6 I am one with the wind. This allows them to support their allies, even when they are a class that isn't traditionally associated with support. . (Good) their feathers. Gather your party and embark on FIVE incredible Humblewood adventures!What tales will you tell? Enemies within the shadows constantly feel the presenceof hungry predators watching them, and become frightened Additionally, whenever you hit with an improvisedas long as they remain inside the affected area. Your sharp claws aid you in unarmed combat and Corvums are typically found in positions with a modicum while climbing. Street Smarts. Despite these indi-vidualistic tendencies, they are capable of forming familialand community bonds that transcend a permanent or singlephysical home.STRIG TRAITS Ability Score Increase. Your base walking speed increases to 35 feet. The Wood, as it is known to its inhabi- tants, is not like any other forest. User account menu. Additionally, you have advantage onall Charisma checks made to convince someone of yourexceptional knowledge on any topic related to the skill youselected with your learned trait (Arcana, History, Nature,or Religion). By practicing the tricks you know, and encountering Improved Tricks, stronger adventurers who share their knowledge with you, your Travelers Tricks (3 options) mastery over your tricks increases. Chapter 1 | Welcome to the Wood 21Cervan enlightened leaders Cervans are a versatile deer-like folk who make their A cervan whose Sight has been triggered is encouraged tohomes in small, intimate villages throughout Humblewood. Corvums cut imposing figures, standing between 4and a half and 5 and a half feet tall, encompassing a varietyof different builds. Youcan use your unarmed strike to gore opponents, dealing1d6 + your Strength Modifier piercing damage on a hit. Ability Score Increase. Search within r/humblewood. A few vulpins have attempted to change public opinion,but the majority are unconcerned with their notoriety. This ward lasts for as long as you Evocation Lessons. 4 Runner 2 I often crack jokes to lighten the mood. tries to compliment me.7 I will deny my fears to everyone. Telling their stories is just as important as telling our own, and helps us connect to and have compassion for the other creatures on our planet. Your Charisma score increases by 2. Age. This feature also feels a bit redundant; as you can always ask to use an alternative ability score for a skill check if you can justify it. Additionally, you are adept at finding shelter in the burned before.4 I have a problem with authority. Through careful planning and execution, their diversions can keep cart drivers You were once a member of the Bandit Coalition, occupied just long enough for the lifters to do their work, ormoving from place to place, ambushing and robbing passing create a seamless opening for an ambush.merchants. additional bonus to the saving throw. 3 I blindly trust in the power of my blessing.5 I seek out challenges to test myself. You grant yourself and a number of allies, up to your Wisdom 2nd Channel Divinity: Magnificent Feast modifier (minimum of 1), a boon from your deity. Adventure in the Wood 84 The Ancient Forest 134 Vulpin 32 Introduction 84 The Avium 135Characters In the Wood 32 Overview 85 Exploring the Avium 137 Character Details 32 Part 1: The Adventure Begins 86 Into the Library 139 Sex & Gender 32 86 Shadows Fall 142 Height and Weight Sleepy Meadowfen 89 Mysterious Circumstances 143 Variant Rule: Different Looks for 32 Winnowing Reach 91 Putting the Pieces Together 145 34 The Missing Researcher 91 The Necromancer 145 Birdfolk and Humblefolk 36 The Mokkden Caverns 95 Odwalds Trap 146 Languages of the Wood 36 Returning to the Reach 95 The Secret Door 147New Class Options 39 The Swamp Witch 99 The Study Room 148 Bard 41 A Witchs Debt 100 The Old Classroom 149 Cleric 43 Leaving the Reach 101 The Secret Laboratory 151 Fighter 47 Part 2: The Bandit Menace 101 Developments 152New Backgrounds 49 A Rough Road Ahead 102 Part 5: Of Fate and Flame 153New Feats The Great Tree City 106Spell Descriptions Elizas Emporium 107 Odwalds Fate 153 The Birdfolk Council 1092. Found Errors? You are a citizen of the Wood, caught up in this turmoil. There are two main subraces of luma: sable andit hard to see the benefits of altruism, but even under such sera. Number 4 - The Circle of Dreams. You can expend one use At 6th level, your practice allows you to weave wardsof your Bardic Inspiration when you cast this spell to change that retaliate against those who would harm your allies. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 TTMM TMHumblewood Campaign Setting is Copyright 2019 Hit Point Press Inc., 1175 Brookfield Rd East, Ottawa,Ontario, K1V0C3, Canada. The Sight will sometimes visit a cervan only once instands and groves far from birdfolk perches. garrisons in times of crisis, and the birdfolk militias keeping the roads safe for merchant caravans, the Wood truly entered aTHE HUMBLEFOLK golden age. to do so when you finish a long rest. Glide. Using every trick at theirdisposal to gain the upper hand against their foes, the Scoff-law cows their enemy into submission, or overwhelms theirdefenses with a single cheap shot. How effectively a At 3rd level you already have several memorable experi-bard of this College can apply what they have learned depends ences from your life on the road. Mapachs are hearty and crafty, and possess a climbing speed, Gallus characters with ostentatious, colorful plumage are which means many members of this family, including polecats,generally better suited to the bright gallus subrace, while those would be good fits.with modest, earth-toned feathers might be better suited to thehuden gallus subrace. Compared to Auran, the other dialects ofPrimordial sound stilted or broken to birdfolk. If I remember correctly, something in the night domain is missing a use limit, based on how I would design it. This ability allows a Corvum to examine an object, gleaning any magical properties it may have, how said properties function, and even that object's rough financial value! Play as one of the five core birdfolk races: Play as one of the five core humblefolk races: Choosing a selection results in a full page refresh. Maybe they'll have a story of their own to tell you, too. They might still follow me, if I could only reach them.d6 Flaw Feature: Find Another Path Since you have lived your life close to the ground, you are1 Im always ready to bail when something familiar with the undergrowth in the same way other birdfolk goes wrong. Maran raptors Humblefolkcould also take visual inspiration from seabirds, notably petrelsor shearwaters, due to their swim speed. Whilethey are quick and nimble, and possess an affable attitude, Speed. Alignment. Vulpins cut dashing figures and are usually lean andothers. So long as you are in combat, you may choose to use Strength or Dexterity to make Charisma ability checks. ll You ignore difficult terrain. Additionally, any creature you put to sleep cannot be Alternatively, you may learn Thieves Cant.woken until the start of your next turn. Cervans reach maturity around 12 years. Legends say there may even be a primal elemental force lurking within the Scorched Grove. Most fledgling lumas approach social situations with gifts with magical education, powerful luma wizards and radi-hesitation, until a time when society inevitably labels them an cal scholars have been at the forefront of magical innovationoutcast or a notable figure, and the individual naturally adapts for some time in the role.Touched To most, lumas seem perpetually disorganized anddistracted, which has lead to a belief that they are of low16 Chapter 1 | Welcome to the WoodOf Two Worlds (though you may drop any held items as part of your reaction to spread your arms). Additionally, theythat you are free to mix and match features or traits between pass information throughout the different camps of the organi-backgrounds. Using your feathered arms, you can slow youra raptor. They excel in team ture that is of a size larger than yours.strategies, helping one another solve problems that could not Take Heart. At 6th level, you have learned to identify a selection of useful herbs that you can carry with you. 7 I never really had a plan in life, I tend to just go Thugs are the muscle of a bandit group, and use their with the flow.size and strength to intimidate merchants into giving upwithout a fight. Found the internet! gain proficiency in one of the following skills of your choice: Deception, Insight, Intimidation, Sleight of Hand, or Stealth. Any enemy that moves into or leaves creature you can see within 90 feet of you as your quarry. Before the Treaty, vulpin raiders CERVAN TRAITSand mapach thieves were serious threats. Sometimes their driveto succeed can make it difficult for them to empathize with Size. Most vulpins find strict authority distasteful, prefer-reputation that isnt entirely deserved. IamSposta. Beasts with Intelligence scores of 4 or lower mayPrerequisite: Glide trait only be able to understand simple concepts.You were either born with great strength, or trained hard toallow yourself to glide under circumstances most would find WOODWISEimpossible. You can range for milesin the Wood without ever setting talon tosoil, moving more confidently through thebranches than some move on flat ground. Team Tactics. Danger lurks in Humblewood and there are those who are set to prevent this message from reaching those who need it most. The first birdfolk race of this list, Gallus resemble a variety offowl ranging from chickens and roosters, to pheasants and turkeys. Those are a bit rougher. When attacked by a creature you can see within 30 feet of you, you can use yourCleric Level Feature reaction to impose disadvantage on the attack roll, as shad- 1st Domain Spells, Eye of Twilight, ows envelop your form. Vulpins mature at an average pace, and can becomparatively long-lived. You can speak, read, and write Birdfolk.years. Jerbeens can be found ina variety of places across the Wood, usually forming their owncommunities within birdfolk perches and humblefolk villages.Seldom do they live alone. Additionally, whenever you hit with an improvised weapon, you may spend a bonus action to break it over your opponent. When tragedy leaves it naturally.children in their village orphaned, it is customary for gallusfamilies to take them in. Languages. They can livelonger than any other birdfolk race, over 100 years. Recently, fires have begun to rage through the Wood with a strength and fury not seen since ages past. This region is also home to two groups of animal-like humanoid races, the birdfolk and the humblefolk. Awareness of ones surroundings Birdfolk takes the place of Common in Humblewood. The birdfolk races of Humblewood are as diverse and unique as the forest itself. The options are presented here in alphabeticalorder. Your sizeis Medium. There are two main subraces of strigs: swiftand stout. Dungeons & Dragons, D&D, their respective logos, and all Wizards titles and characters are property of Wizards of the Coast LLC in the U.S.A. and other countries. For better or worse, they find themselves in a 5 I have a sibling who is not blessed, whichworld of expectations they struggle to live up to. Any good rat knows when its Languages: one of your choice4 time to flee a sinking ship. Your size is Small.emotions they feel. Were looking for a way to get away from screens, to forget about our complicated lives, and to live as heroes with problems we can solve, not just listen to on the news and worry about. You canselect your bandit specialty from the Bandit Specialty table, or Those who have chosen to leave the Coalition behind haveroll randomly. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. You learn two Travelers Trickson their understanding and insight. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Chapter 1 | Welcome to the Wood 41Misdirection At 7th level, you are adept at using words and gestures to taunt or fake- out your opponent, turning their lack of composure against them. by the wind who are destined to soar over any and all obsta- cles. An ally must be within 60 feet gency triage. Each birdfolk race possesses a unique and mystical connec- Jerbeention to the element of air, which allows them to understandAuran from birth, although they are unable to speak it natu- Jerbeen is a system of squeaks and clicks represented inrally. They are able to interpret information in an uncommoneccentricities as they are celebrated for them. Sharp Mind. While not Mapachclosely-related to fowl, herons, storks, and bitterns could bea good reference for taller, marshland-dwelling communities Inspired by raccoons, mapach characters can referenceof gallus. The Cervan race is from the humblewood campaign. 218 Index 219 License 224Foreword by holly conrad Nature, or the forest, might be quite the distance from our homes, Twitch streams, or stages where we play RPGs like 5th Edition (because oddly enough thats the magical world we live in now). during combat (as there aren't existing rules so being able to use a different ability score doesn't mean a lot without asking the DM). Choose one of these subraces.Maran Raptor As a maran raptor, you are as at home in thewater as you are in the trees. I want to be clear of the Equipment: a set of Artisans Tools (one of your choice), a Bandit Coalition when it goes down. Corvum are an intelligent race of shrewd ravens and crows. So I encourage you to make your own legends in Humblewood, and then go to the forest and see them for your- self. Yet, where the treaty holds, vibrantThis accord was known as the Humblefolk Treaty and was humblefolk communities can still be found. in the basics of combat triage. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.ings. Great seen fight. Additionally, you cancast animal messenger as a 2nd levelspell once with this trait, and regainthe ability to do so after a short orlong rest. Vulpinslearn from a young age that they are of two natures: the sophis-ticated and the savage. Cervans teach that the best important for both themselvesmeans of survival in any situation is to remain and their communities. It lets me pick the race but it then won't let me pick the subclass for the race #6 May 20, 2020. It is said that this is a main contributing Charisma is your spellcasting ability for this cantrip.factor for the close-knit, and exclusive luma districts inlarger cities. Subrace. ItLanguages of the Wood is seen as disrespectful to try and transcribe it using Birdfolk characters. Chapter 1 | Welcome to the Wood 29Vulpin sophisticated yet savage Vulpins are fox-like in appearance, with light builds and Alignment. If an the targets wound.option requires a saving throw, your Travelers Trick save DCequals 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Wisdom modifier. believe theres a better way.5 My friends in the Coalition didnt understand why 5 I am viewed as an oddity, someone for others to I had to leave. bite attacks. They are more likely to adopta transient lifestyle, moving from perch to perch, or to simplylive in the vast forests of the Wood itself. Cervans are eminently practicalaway future. You cannot on their roll. In the early years, the birdfolk and humblefolk lived close to each other in small villages around the forest. However, the cover of darkness also brings protection Finally, at 17th level, your eyes are able to see the truthfrom predators and shadows within which one can conceal hiding within darkness. Survivor. 5 I will prove my worth, even if it means putting myself and my friends in danger.7 I avoid showing my power at all costs. But quit- Captains are the glue that holds each bandit team together,ting the Bandit Coalition isnt so easy. You have advantage on Strength saving throwsbe surmounted alone. Either way, corvums are a crafty are encumbered.race and they tend to get what they want, one way or another. social situations. Black feathers on a corvum are knownas the Mark of Gesme and they are thought to impart some Lumas are inspired by doves and pigeons, but their sizeof Gesmes reckless curiosity. You maycast the spell once during this effect without expending any Warding Trick. But now, fires and bandits have embroiled the Woods in chaos. Dungeons & Dragons: 10 GREATEST 5e Adventures, Ranked, Dungeons & Dragons: 10 Rare Magic Items Youd be Lucky to Find, Dungeons & Dragons: The 10 Best Fighter Sub-Classes, The Best Cleric Domains in Dungeons & Dragons, Ranked, REVIEW: Frank Miller Presents Ancient Enemies: The Djinni #1 Crafts a Compelling Origin Story, REVIEW: DC's Shazam! my abilities.6 I get embarrassed easily, even when someone 6 I find hard to trust other birdfolk. The birdfolk races have ruled over Humblewood from their canopy villages and fortified cities for as long as anyone can remember. Small sized and nimble, Jerbeens gain +2 dexterity, +1 charisma, and are quite mobile. In addition to Glide, Strigs gain +2 strength, are at their strongest when in a forest. Youare most capable when immersed inthe forest. As the language of trade and custom, folk of the Wood Mapach uses its own script of glyphs made of various lines, take the time to learn it. Kindled corvums have a way with words,and are accomplished at saying what someone wants orneeds to hear. While they resemble animals, for an age.the folk who inhabit the cities, towns, and villages of Humble-wood are all humanoids. Alignment. You are capable of burrowing through soil, but areunable to dig through anything more substantial with justyour clawed hands. You have a deepconnection to the magic of theWood. The more compassion we have for animals the better our world will be. The night is mysterious, and conceals many unseendangers. Remember serving to smuggle pilfered goods to fences. What do you find OP about it? one condition immunity ll Beasts of Large size or larger have a friendly disposition one special ability possessed by the creature that toward you unless you have attacked them. My powers situate me above others. Set up in conclaves around the Wood, they provide aid whenever forest fires strike. Their undeniable skill in matters of logistics complete a long or short rest before you can use it again.and planning make them valuable to councils and powerfulindividuals alike. Even in the imagination, these things are incredibly powerful. These birdfolk are swift slow your descent. In addition to gaining +2 to their constitution, Cervans have the stellar "Surge of Vigor" ability. They are polite but reaction to spread your arms, stiffen your wing feathers, andhave little patience for deceit and rudeness. Allies must be able to see you and be within 30 feet to receive the boon. They can reach a respectable old age by bird-folk standards, living around 80 years. The strength of these emotions applies asmuch to positive feelings it does negative, meaning emotional Speed. Resem- you land. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.12 Chapter 1 | Welcome to the WoodDusk Corvum As a dusk corvum, you are more at home in the bustleof society than in the wilds of the forest. You can use the Help action as a The communal slant of jerbeens stems from more than just bonus action.their love of good company: jerbeen are kind and considerate Languages. The pulley system was so successful thatbirdfolk perches beyond Alderheart have adoptedthe technology.28 Chapter 1 | Welcome to the WoodDepending on the materials available, a Game Master(GM) may rule that you cannot craft an item in this way. A fighter who hits hard and fights dirty, the Scofflaw balksat the ideals of honor and tradition, doing what they need tosurvive. When providing Acrobatics Lessons. The College of the Road of your choice (see Travelers Trick Options).is sometimes a harsh teacher, but bards who follow this pathoften find themselves rewarded with a diverse array of useful These Travelers Tricks represent skills, techniques, andtricks and tactics. Seeds of Decay: The Woodkin (PDF) Freebies $0.00. Raptors are lean, muscular hunters, but they standless than 4 feet tall. Speed. Along with other weight-reducingadaptations, this allows birdfolk to glide. Your Charisma scoreincreases by 1. Humblewood has endured for centuries thanks to the industry and compassion of its people but now the fires have come, and the Woods have been thrown into chaos. Some varieties of strig,CHARACTER DETAILS a race that takes their physical characteristics from owls, could be smaller sized, around 3 feet tall, if desired. Press the space key then arrow keys to make a selection.

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